EU H2020 MSCA-ETN COLOTAN virtually kicked it off…!
In the week of 14thJune 2021, EU H2020 MSCA-ETN COLOTAN team members came together on Zoom from all over the world in order to kick off their promising project. COLOTAN started the Kick-off week with a team building day for the Early Stage Researchers (ESRs), followed by 2 days of enriching Research and Soft skills trainings. Then on Thursday, all members participated in the Kick-off meeting where an introduction on project management was given by the coordinators, followed by the ESRs’ pitch presentations on their background as well as on their plans for the project. The kick-off day was capped with 3 parallel sessions for the 3 Research Work Packages where members discussed and planned the implementation of the upcoming phase of the project.
The project organised its first Symposium “Colon targeting of drugs: current state of the art” as part of its Kick-off event. This was held virtually on the last day of the week with 125 participants from all over the world logging in for the webinar.
You may find the Kick-off event agenda here